Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Jumping Frito

I am getting old. This is a photo of me more than 20 years ago, so I edited the colour. I jumped horses at the big shows. I still have a horse but now I trail ride. I have a big trail ride coming up and we have lots of planning. It is kind of like planning to go to a horse show but we have not been practicing for weeks and weeks every day. I have ridden my current horse about 8 times this month. He is being a good boy. After the Trail ride I will show photos. We are going into the Canadian Rockies. We will be on the west edge of Jasper Park at the Hummingbird falls stageing erea. We will cross the Ram River and Hummingbird River above each of the water falls. Cells phones do not work here. No power to pugin to. And bad outhouses. Seeing the mountain on horse back is amazing. You bond with your horse as you both need each other.
This is Frito, his show name was Esplanade. My last name was Manuel at the time and some people would expect to see a darker skinned girl with these Spanish names. This photo was taken on the Sunday of the Edmonton Northlands Show in 1986. I had been to a grad all night and had not slept at all that night before. We got a ribbon, as we got a ribbon in all our classes at this show. I sold Frito later this summer and started University a few months later. My dad took these photos from the side of the ring. These are my summers as a teen.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! That is a great phot, old or NOT! I left something on my blog for YOU!
